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Free to use GPT4 –

Last updated on May 8, 2023 is a free AI tool that helps users write faster and better with the help of artificial intelligence. Users can sign in with Google and access a Google Docs style editor that has a toolbar with basic features like bold, italic, and headings. The website also has a command bar that allows users to access advanced features like asking Lex for feedback, generating outlines, creating headings, and more. The website uses GPT-4, a powerful language model that can generate text based on the context of what the user is writing. Users can type +++ to ask Lex to fill in the blank, or use the /ask command to ask Lex any question. Lex can also summarize text, rewrite sentences, and create variations of images. The website is part of Every, a platform that publishes newsletters and podcasts about business and technology.

Three language models are built in, and you currently need to apply to join to use them, so go ahead and experience them.

Published inAI🔥🔥🔥

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