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OpenAI tackles academic integrity concerns with free AI article detector: Combatting the threat of AI-generated papers

Last updated on April 11, 2023

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence article generator developed by OpenAI, has provided writing inspiration for individuals. However, it has also raised concerns in academia that some may use AI to complete assignments or write papers. OpenAI has recently released a free tool called the AI Text Classifier, which attempts to determine whether an article was generated by AI.

AI Text Classifier can be used as an auxiliary tool to help users distinguish between AI-generated articles.

The AI Text Classifier serves as an assistive tool to help users distinguish AI-generated articles. The tool is straightforward to use – users simply need to paste the article into the input field on the webpage and click the “Submit” button. Within a few seconds, the tool provides an analysis result, but the article must be at least 1,000 bytes (approximately 150-250 English words). The analysis results are divided into five levels: “very unlikely,” “unlikely,” “unclear if it is,” “possibly,” and “likely.” Like ChatGPT, the AI Text Classifier requires an OpenAI account access to be used.

The tool aims to help reduce concerns that some may use AI-generated articles to pass off as their own work. By providing an additional layer of verification, users can ensure the authenticity of an article and avoid potential ethical issues. While it is not a foolproof method, the AI Text Classifier can provide assistance in identifying articles that may have been generated by AI, ultimately promoting academic integrity.

Published inAI🔥🔥🔥

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