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A file list program that supports multiple storage, powered by Gin and Solidjs.

Last updated on February 20, 2023

Easy to Use

Alist was designed from the ground up to be easily installed and it can be used on all platforms.

Multiple storage

Alist supports multiple storage providers, including local storage, Aliyundrive, Onedrive, Google Drive, etc., and is easily expand.

Support WebDAV

Alist supports all storage WebDAV, which is a standard for accessing files on.

Dark Mode

Switch between light and dark modes freely

Protected routes

Add password protection and authentication for specific path

File preview

Support video, audio, office, pdf, code, image preview, etc. Even ipa install

Package download

Use stream api of brower to support package download without server usage

More new features

Including text editor, readme/html render, file permalink, cloudflare workers proxy, etc.

Published inDigitalWeb

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